BEAM Stories
BEAM Stories
The Gymnastics of Parenting

The Gymnastics of Parenting

Consultant and podcaster Stacy Heller discusses the pivots she's making now that kids are out of the house.

Consultant and podcaster Stacy Heller is entering a new phase in life. With four kids in their twenties and a partner of more than 30 years, her role as a mom has shifted so much that she easily has the language of how to pivot and how to guide her family through the process.

In this episode, Stacy's honesty and candor exudes joy with raw vulnerability about how she's navigating unforeseen pivots and entering a new phase of motherhood with grown children.  

In This Episode

Sometimes, you just need someone who has been in your shoes to tell you that everything is going to be OK. Not only does Stacy does that, but she also opens a few cans of worms, too, including:

  • The balance between parenting and caregiving for parents.

  • The things we learn about ourselves when our partners are forced to pivot or make a big life change (hint: it isn’t always pretty).

  • The one thing she credits a long marriage to.


#ProofofMom: BEAM founding member and podcast guest

shared the most beautiful essay about mothering while motherless. This is a must read.

Friday Thread: We know you’re tuning in, but we want to hear all about you! A couple of moms and caregivers have chimed in, and we’re waiting on your voice to join us.

We want to hear from you! Want to be featured? Share a quick version of your story here!

BEAM Stories
BEAM Stories
BEAM Stories is a show that explores the dynamic stories of motherhood and caregiving, and how those stories hold exponential power to be a driving force for change.
We’ll have deep conversations with incredible leaders about the state of motherhood that’s both personal and global. We’ll talk about the challenging and hilarious moments we rarely say out loud, and we’ll find a way forward that lifts us all up.
For more, visit